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Perfect Weight Forever

A unique Perfect Weight Forever program is designed to change not just your weight, shape and size but also your relationship with food. It is designed to put you in control rather than feeling food controls you or feeling that you have no control around food.

The program is going to show you how to see yourself as slimmer, how to think and act as slimmer and how to train your mind and your appetite so you can reach and then maintain your perfect weight forever more easily than you ever thought possible.

How Perfect Weight Forever works

you'll get the audio program divided into a simple 3 step process

Step 1: Listen to the Audio Book

Imagine that you purchased a top-of-the-range computer and it came without instructions. How would you use it? You might find that you could not use it at all, or you might muddle through, but you would never get the best out of your machine. You could never use it to its full capacity, and you would not get the excellent results that it was capable of giving to you.

We come into this world with the most amazing computer-like brain that is capable of doing so much, but there are no instructions that tell us how to get the best from ourselves, and no manual that shows us how to program ourselves for success. This'll show you how to understand and use the power of your subconscious mind for your weight loss success inside this special audio program.

Step 2: The Regression Session

We’re all born with a normal relationship with food: that’s why babies don’t overeat, don’t bolt their food, and have no problem leaving food regardless of how delicious it is. So if we accept the premise that we were born with a completely normal attitude to food, it means that somewhere along the line we must have developed an abnormal relationship with food. It partly explains why millions of us now struggle with our weight.

This'll help you track back to where, how, and why that happened. Because once you’ve pinpointed the origin of your problem, you’ll be so much better equipped to fix it. An example is a colleague who would always binge on huge take-out meals when she was down or stressed.

She decided to look at how she learnt this behaviour and remembered that she woke up one day to find her mother gone because she had been rushed to hospital. Her dad had no idea how to care for her and he could not cook so he served her enormous take-out portions washed down with Pepsi and every time she visited her mother in hospital he would buy her several candy bars to keep her occupied.

This gave her immense pleasure and she realized that she always binged on huge take-outs followed by several candy bars and Pepsi because she had been trained to cope with loneliness, worry and anxiety by eating huge amounts of a particular type of food. Once she understood the timeline of this learnt behaviour she was able to unlearn it.

Step 3: Hypnotic Mind Reprogramming. It consists of three parts

The Hypnotic Gastric Band, Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis and Hypnotic Weight Control.

The Hypnotic Gastric Banding product can mentally shrink the size of your stomach and conditions you to become motivated and to only want to eat healthy and real food. Imagine feeling motivated to prefer eating only real, natural food, feeling full quickly and feeling empowered and elated as you refuse junk food. The audio'll condition and motivate you to eat less, eat selectively, eat healthily and to drop weight quickly. To not feel hunger and find it the easiest thing in the world to leave food and also be indifferent to all the food that made you overweight in the first place.

The Perfect Weight Forever audio programs your mind to let go of all the negative eating habits and beliefs about food that you picked up as a child and to replace them with healthy grown up ones. The hypnotic language combined with my effective mind changing techniques enable you to become free of dieting, free of cravings and able to break all negative eating habits forever so you see results very quickly and keep them for good.

The hypnotic Weight Control audio download conditions you to easily and permanently reach and maintain your ideal weight without dieting. It motivates you to form a healthy relationship with food and to prefer healthy food while being indifferent to junk food without ever feeling restricted or deprived. It gives you direct mental commands that program and condition you to eat selectively and to make the right choices.

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